The background-position css property sets the initial position for each background image you place on your webpage.
The background-attachment property determines whether or not your background images position is fixed to withing the viewport, or if it will scroll with its containing block
The background-size property sets the size of the element's background image. For example the image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or sized down to fit the available space you are working with.
The background-edge offset value determines where in the container the image will be aligned to.
The background-multiple stack order property can be used to pretty much stack multiple backgrounds on your page to make it look better or to create a theme.
These css background properties and values can be used in a range of different ways and will all help make your page stand out from others. The different properties and values listed mostly deal with how a background will appear or how images are placed withing your page. They are very helpful in cases where you have images on a page and everything is not very appealing to users. Just adjusting your images or background even the slightest bit will always help in the longrun. In conclusion these are all very helpful tools to use when you need that little extra pop on your page and learning more about them will definitely help bring a page or a website together in order to help it stand out from all of the other pages on the vast are that is the internet.